Prayer Planner
Meet the prayer planner that helps you enrich your hope in heaven and keep your days organized by bringing your prayers, daily quiet time, Bible study together with the things on your schedule. It's the ultimate Bible journal planner to keep track of everything on your heart and your mind, all in one place. Besides helping you stay on top of things and be productive, a prayer planner will help you to make daily quiet time a habit, begin a daily Bible study habit and intentionally pray for others.
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"I am happy to say that this prayer planner fulfilled all expectations that I had when purchasing it. It is every bit as wonderful and functional as it looks. Amazing quality, as well. Most importantly, it helps me to remember to set aside some quiet moments with the Lord each day." - Jennie K.
A prayer planner encourages you to integrate your faith and your Christian walk into your daily schedule. When a schedule is full – with chasing after your kids, getting ahead at work, finishing school, and all the other craziness – time for prayer often doesn't make it onto the schedule. But in the midst of a busy world, prayer is more important than ever, and a prayer planner helps you turn practice into habit. A prayer planner will help you remember each day to take the time in conversation with God – even as you go about the rest of your day.
But this prayer planner is more than just a reminder to pray each day. Firstly, this prayer planner is everything you want in an organizational planner. It offers the space to build to-do lists and keep track of appointments or meetings, set goals for your week or your month, manage your daily schedule, even plan meals for yourself or your family. But at the same time, the prayer planner goes beyond just helping to organize your life and schedule. The prayer planner gives you the space to intentionally pray and journal your prayers. The prayer planner inspires you to read your Bible and devotionals as well as write and memorize scripture. It isn't just one or the other – your spiritual life and your everyday life will coexist alongside each other in one prayer planner.
As your world stays busy, a rich prayer life is essential. But that's easier said than done. Too often, it feels like there is a whole list of tasks that you have to do everyday, and there's no time for your spiritual walk. But it's all about prioritizing, and a prayer planner helps you adjust your priorities. When you can manage your everyday schedule alongside prayer, Bible reading, devotion, and scripture writing, spiritual vibrancy suddenly becomes a lot easier. A prayer planner helps you to create good spiritual habits.
A prayer planner is the perfect way to help your schedule and your relationship with God live in harmony. You will get reminders each day to prioritize reading your Bible and writing scripture and spending time in prayer. In the prayer planner, there are spaces for prayer requests and prayer journaling. And right next to it, you can track your schedule and tasks lists and daily to-dos. Manage each part of your life with a prayer planner and make sure the most important parts – your Christian walk and your relationship with God – never take a back seat to your schedule.
The Power Of A Prayer Planner
Be as prayerful as you are productive
We all know about the power of prayer, so imagine how your relationship with God may improve when you’re reminded everyday to “stop and pray” and be in conversation with God – that is what a prayer planner does and that is the power of a prayer planner.
"The Hope Planner gives me the ability to have my daily Bible devotional in one place and the grace to keep focused. If during my quiet time with God my mind wonders to tasks for the day, I can easily jot down whatever it is in the ‘Do’ section. Having put that worry to paper, I can then place my focus back on God - where it needs to be without distractions. "
- Stephanie Genrich
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At first glance, it may appear ingenuine for “prayer to be put on your schedule” but that’s not the point. The prayer journaling space in your daily Christian planner isn’t a place for you to check off your to-do list, but rather be an accountability partner to remind you to stop and pray everyday. When you look at your day, it’s clear to see what your priorities are. The Hope Planner helps your day become more balanced between your faith and focus when you use the planner for both its purposes – to journal during quiet time and to organize your task list. As you progress through- out the season, everyday becomes a representation of where your heart is when you look back and see what you completed.

create harmony between your prayers and plans
A prayer planner is the perfect way to help your schedule and your relationship with God live in harmony. When a schedule is full – with chasing after your kids, getting ahead at work, finishing school, and all the other craziness – time for prayer often doesn’t make it onto the schedule. But in the midst of a busy world, prayer is more important than ever, and a prayer planner helps you turn practice into habit. A prayer planner will help you remember each day to take the time in conversation with God – even as you go about the rest of your day.

remember to pray for others
You will get reminders each day to prioritize reading your Bible and writing scripture and spending time in prayer. In the prayer planner, there are spaces for prayer requests and prayer journaling. And right next to it, you can track your schedule and tasks lists and daily to-dos. Manage each part of your life with a prayer planner and make sure the most important parts – your Christian walk and your relationship with God – never take a back seat to your schedule.

make praying a daily habit
A prayer planner encourages you to integrate your faith and your Christian walk into your daily schedule. As your world stays busy, a rich prayer life is essential. But that’s easier said than done. Too often, it feels like there is a whole list of tasks that you have to do every- day, and there’s no time for your spiritual walk. But it’s all about prioritizing, and a prayer planner helps you adjust your priorities. When you can manage your everyday schedule alongside prayer, Bible reading, devotion, and scripture writing, spiritual vibrancy sud- denly becomes a lot easier. A prayer planner helps you to create good spiritual habits.

write down your words
When you write down your prayers, two things hap- pen – you more clearly focus on your prayer requests and you have a history of your heart’s desires to go back and see the Lord’s faithfulness during each sea- son. Our earnest prayers have powerful restuls, and when we write something down, we give more em- phasis and power to it in our hearts and minds than simple thoughts. Prayer journaling is a remarkable way to strengthen your relationship with Christ and document your days.
It's Time To
Invigorate your faith
Organize your life
This prayer planner is more than just a reminder to pray each day. Firstly, the Hope Planner is everything you want in an organizational planner. It offers the space to build to-do lists and keep track of appointments or meetings, set goals for your week or your month, manage your daily schedule, even plan meals for yourself or your family. But at the same time, the Hope Planner (a.k.a. the ultimate prayer planner) reminds you everyday to enrich your faith through prayer, Bible study and prayer journaling. It isn't just one or the other – with the Hope Planner, your spiritual life and your everyday life will coexist alongside each other in one very prayerful planner.
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