Faith Planner
Bring your Bible study, prayer lists, quiet time and daily devotion together with your to-dos in the best faith planner for busy Christian women. The Hope Planner combines your prayers with your plans in a beautifully designed, keepsake planner-journal. Daily and Weekly options available that help you find balance between having faith and our incessant need to plan everything.
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"I am happy to say that this faith planner fulfilled all expectations that I had when purchasing it. It is every bit as wonderful and functional as it looks. Amazing quality, as well. Most importantly, it helps me to remember to set aside some quiet moments with the Lord each day." - Jennie K.
Bible Verses • Prayer Lists • Quiet Time • Devotion Reminders

A faith planner helps you combine your prayers with your plans.
Faith planners are s a new trend in the world of calendars, agendas and organization. While there's always been planners with Bible verses, the concept of
taking what you'd typically put in a prayer journal and adding it to your daily planner is helping women make time for their daily quiet time like they make time for tasks and appointments!
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"I am really glad I got this planner. I especially like having my Bible study and prayer notes intermingled with my daily to-do's so that I can be more connected to those things throughout the
- Elizabeth Bishop
Features of a Faith planner
Don't wait for Sundays, your relationship with God is something to be cultivated daily through quiet time you set aside for Bible study and prayer – a
faith planner will help you remember to do just that. A faith planner brings together all the
features you want in a daily planner like tracking your schedule, remembering appointments, organizing to-do lists, meal planning and adds in cues that help you remember your daily devotion time like
scripture writing, Bible reading, devotion reading, prayer time and prayer journaling.
make goals & track them
reminders for both faith and personal goals
Plan out your scripture study and prayer list for the month on this month intro page. This is your reminder for the month so you can recall what you wanted to accomplish, what you wanted to read and you can track your progress. Use this to stay on track with your plans each week and day in your faith planner.
Study the Bible
Read and write scripture
If you make a place on your calendar for the hustle, make time for the holy spirit to work in your day too. STOP and PRAY. No other planner gives you specific space for your daily devotion. No other planner reminds you constantly to do the the most important thing in your day for your heart and soul – pray. The Hope Planner is just the faith planner you've been looking for.
Sunday Study + Week scribble space is your reset for the week
Journal your praise and prayers, take Sermon notes, then download all the things you know you need to get done this week to make a clear plan for productivity in the days ahead.
pray for other people
intentional prayer lists
Prayer lists throughout a faith planner help us to remember who we know who is need of prayer so we never forget to pray on their behalf. Praying for others is the most selfless thing we can do in our day, so using reminders each month and week to specify who we want to remember in prayer is a crucial feature to improving your daily quiet time.
prayer journal
Write down your prayers
Using a prayer journal is an excellent way to be intentional with your conversation with God and gives you a reason to slow down during your prayers. Our prayer journal pages have prompts for scripture writing, confession, praise and prayers to guide your journaling. The opposite page is a blank notes page you can use to extend your journaling.
habit tracker
Never forget your daily quite time
Sometimes a subtle reminder is all we need to stay on track with our goals and devotion goals are no different. The weekly edition of the Hope Planner includes devotion habit tracking to help you remember daily Bible study, quiet time, memory verse practice and anything else you might like to remember like reading a book or devotion. The daily edition of the Hope Planner reminds you daily by giving you space to write scripture and journal on every day page.
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"This planner is very intentional on helping you make time to connect with Christ in your everyday busy life. There are reminders to reach out to others, to study your memory verse, right down
your praises, as well as your weekly confessions. I love the extra pages of notes and inspiration to doodle when I'm feeling inspired. I would definitely recommend this planner to a dear friend!"
- Heaven Muncy
Shop faith PLANNER
With a faith planner, now you can keep your relationship with God top-of-mind during the day and throughout the week. A faith planner helps you to make goals and track them, create a habit of reading
the Bible regularly, take sermon notes each Sunday at church, intentionally pray for other people, journal your prayers and work to make these things regular habits in your daily schedule.