Ready for a
change of heart?
You're a dreamer and a doer.
You make things happen.
You get things done.
You're a helper.
You're a leader.
You go go go.
And, that is a lot to keep up with all on your own.
the world wants you to think this is just how life is.
god says
"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."
What if you could stop chasing balance and instead find harmony between your...
work + family + FAITH

HERE'S a place to put down everything on your mind
Put it on your list
lay it at the cross
Deep down you know...
"Balance" doesn't come from getting better at
managing the things on your to-do list.
It comes when all of your needs are met.
Your spiritual needs.
Your health needs.
Your family needs.
Your creative needs.
It comes from within.
It comes from the heart.
It comes from Christ.
the hope planner reminds you every day...
"I can do all things through christ who strengthens me"
I'm Heather Vreeland
I was overwhelmed, stressed out, stretched too thin and too busy juggling meaningless things to find joy in the everyday. So I laid all my troubles at the cross and started reading my Bible everyday.
And that's when I discovered I had found the secret ingredient to staying JOYFUL while being a busy wife, mom and entrepreneur – I had to stop trying to do it all alone. I asked God for help and I
strengthened my faith by spending time in prayer and study every single day.
I did that by designing my own daily planner where I put a prayer journaling space above my daily to-do lists that reminded me to stop and spend time in the Word each day.
Doing this took all of this weight from this world off my shoulders and gave it to God.

add your prayers to your daily plans

you can LEAN ON GOD'S PROMISE while PRACTICING productivity
Take back your day from "all-the-things" and cultivate the relationship with Christ you've always wanted by making time
for Christ on your schedule, like you do everything else.
Now that's revolutionary.
Using the Hope Planner will help you to....
- Study the Bible regularly
- Memorize the scriptures you've always wanted to
- Grow more confident in your faith
- Boldly share God's love and mercy with others
- Be filled with God, so the enemy can't stick
While also....
- Setting and tracking monthly goals
- Staying organized each day
- Increasing your productivity

Molly Wilson
Magazine Editor
"Too often, I get bogged down in my own efforts to stay organized. Being able to turn to one single place to collect my thoughts on work, housework, even devotion took away so much of the
pressure. I love feeling like I can have my whole life in one planner!"

Lauren Eastman
"The Hope Planner has helped focus my spiritual journey through scripture on a daily basis, bringing the very meaning of the Bible's teachings directly to my everyday life, in action. It has become a wonderful tool to reflect with introspection as well as to create a positive plan for tomorrow."

Dana Jordan
Human Resources Professional
"My favorite part of the Hope Planner though is the Sunday entry. It's a day to reflect on scripture, give up praise, thanksgiving and prayers and prepare for the upcoming week. This journal is
the perfect bridge between daily life and your faith."
aYou might be wondering
What if I'm not the 'planner' type?
Give it a shot! That's our suggestion. We've never met a single person that didn't benefit from writing things down. Whether it's your to-do list or your prayer list, writing them down takes the stress off your brain to remember them or handle those things alone.
I already use a planner...
Great! You're already accustomed to keeping organized. You can easily switch to the Hope Planner at the beginning of any month because it's undated. Start this month! Remember, no other planner is designed to put your daily devotional time first before all the things on your to-do list. NO OTHER PLANNER reminds you daily to spend time in prayer and scripture study. Give it a try!
What month does it start on?
Whatever month you want. The Hope Planner is undated so you can start at the beginning of the next month.
How much does the Hope Planner cost?
The Hope Planner is $34. For this you get a 6 month, undated, wire-bound, linen wrapped hard cover with gold foil, daily planner. Inside you'll find a front pocket to store notes, gold foil monthly stickers and a keepsake bookmark to help you keep your place in your Bible study.
What is the size and paper weight?
The Hope Planner is 9" by 9" including the gold coil. The paper inside is a sturdy 65lb weight so that ink from both sides can't been seen through it.
there is no amount of productivity and goal setting alone
that can hold you together like the glue of god's grace
I want god to lead my day, everyday
But, how can a planner really help me do that?

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MONTH-of start page gives you space to set monthly goals & refer back to them daily
Like you tackle your tasks and schedule, plan out your scripture study and prayer list for the month. This is your home base for the month reminding you what you wanted to accomplish, what you wanted to read. Use this to realign your plans each week and day.

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Daily View reminds you to add your prayers to your daily plans
If you make a place on your calendar for the hustle, make time for the holy spirit to work in your day too. STOP and PRAY. No other planner gives you specific space for your daily devotion. No other planner reminds you constantly to do the the most important thing in your day for your heart and soul – pray.

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Sunday Study + Week scribble space
is your reset for the week
Journal your praise and prayers, take Sermon notes, then download all the things you know you need to get done this week to make a clear plan for productivity in the days ahead.
TAKE BACK YOUR FOCUS & find unshakeable trust in God